Sunday 6 February 2011


I was thinking while dishing up the kids tea, the blogs I stalk (over on the right under Stalkees) are mostly in the states. The only one I know for sure to be in the UK is Kia (A View From Here)
Why is this? 
  • Are UK'ers (except myself and Kia, sorry Kia) domestic goddess'? 
  • Do you all have perfectly neat, tidy and uncluttered homes? 
  • Or are just to shy to tell everyone that you live in total and utter chaos? 
  • That when you know people are due round you run round like a crazed wild animal hiding things in places you think (or know) people won't look?  
  • Or is it a case that I just haven't found their blogs?  
I'm hoping it's the later and in time I will be able to stalk more UK'ers.
Now don't get me wrong, I love reading the blogs of my friends accross the pond, but some of the hints/tips are useless to me as I can't get my sticky UK paws on some of these fabby goods. Also with the exception of some very huge worldwide stores (like Ikea) we don't have the stores my American bloggers do....Target sounds like the most fantastic store as does Container World, neither of these stores are in the UK. So I see all these awsome bargains you buy and I want but unless I get someone in the states to buy them and ship them to me (which is going to be mega expensive) I can't have them :(
So come on all you UK clutter monsters and ex-clutter monsters come out of hiding and tell me where you are, so I can come stalk you too :)


  1. All the UK bloggers do a darn good job of hiding. I don't think there are that many to be honest - maybe we can start a trend...
    Thirty-One, Thrifty and Thriving is in Ireland I think.
    Asda is good for containers - I just bought several packs of their plastic bathroom caddies @ £1.50 for sorting and decluttering.

  2. I LOVE this blog layout - so pretty and fresh
