Showing posts with label HELP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HELP. Show all posts

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Hot Spots vs A Good Book

My hot spots are almost clear. They need some tweaking and I need to find homes for things and rejig other places to accomodate other stuff. One job is never one job, there are always (in my case and maybe yours) 3 other jobs that need to be done before the job in question can be done and then of course another 3 jobs after, that were created by the job in question. So it seems to take longer to do the job that originally planned. Of course not every job has 3 jobs before and 3 jobs after but it's never, ever just one job.
Washing - laundry needs to be sorted before making it to the washer, then moved to the dryer, then folded and put away.
Hoovering - stuff needs to picked up, moved before I can 'whip' the hoover round.

So it's no wonder I got bored yesterday with my hot spots. I cleared and rejigged the kitchen sides, but after that I was incredibly pissed off. Why? {TH}. He had wound me up so much and he hadn't said or done anything, that was the issue. While I had busied myself in the kitchen moving things round and cleaning the sides {TH} sat in the lounge playing Call Of Duty (COD). He did nothing, he didn't even pick up the mess he made when he knocked the ashtray over. Why should I work myself like a dog to get the house looking neat and tidy when he can't be bothered to do anything?
As he was playing COD it meant I couldn't watch TV unless I went and sat in the bedroom. The bedroom that is scruffy, untidy and full of washing waiting to be folded and put away. I struggle to get the sleep in there some nights as the mess is actually annoying the hell out of me, there was no way I was going to sit in there on a saturday night and watch TV. Also we pay a fair whack each month for our Sky TV package, but it isn't in the bedroom, only the lounge, freeview in comparison to sky is poopy! 

My dad sent a few books round a few weeks ago he thought I might enjoy reading. I haven't read a book in ages, the last one was Sophie Kinsella's Mini Shop-A-Holic. I did pick up The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo a few weeks ago with every intention of reading it, but I never and when my bookcase arrived it just went to live there with all the other books. So yesterday I grabbed the newest one sent over, it's called Sister and by Rosamund Lupton. I couldn't put it down. I read until about 11pm last night when my eyes could take no more and this morning after I made my cuppa I sat back down and carried on. I had to stop to feed the kidlets lunch and then my father in law turned up, but I have now finished it and loved it... Synopsis below
Nothing can break the bond between sisters ...When Beatrice gets a frantic call in the middle of Sunday lunch to say that her younger sister, Tess, is missing, she boards the first flight home to London. But as she learns about the circumstances surrounding her sister's disappearance, she is stunned to discover how little she actually knows of her sister's life - and unprepared for the terrifying truths she must now face. The police, Beatrice's fiance and even their mother accept they have lost Tess but Beatrice refuses to give up on her. So she embarks on a dangerous journey to discover the truth, no matter the cost.

Now at 5:30pm on a Sunday evening I have no desire to tackle the mess that is our bedroom, nor to fold the endless piles of washing, I have no desire to do anything! Yet if I don't, I know that tomorrow when I get back from dropping the kidlets off, it will still be here waiting for me, mocking me for not doing it before. The thing is I have to tackle part of it in order to find the kids uniforms so they can be ironed. Common sense would tell me that as I have to tackle some of it I may as well tackle all of it, yet the shear amount that needs to be done terrifies me. It's gone past being a quick 10 minute job and turned into a monsterous hour (if not longer) chore, one I wish I could shut the door on and ignore, or one that someone else will say 'don't worry I'll do it' however I know that isn't going to happen and I will have to face up to it, at some point, so why not now? Well I could think of lots of things I would rather be doing, like sitting here reading blogs about people who are organised and have neat and tidy homes, or curling up on the sofa with the dog and reading another book sent over by my dad, or perhaps just sitting and doing nothing. I'd pretty much do anything rather than tackle that washing. There is no escape though is there? It has to be done......I'll just finish my cuppa first though

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Cuppa Time

I admit I am typically British and love my tea - hot, sweet with milk. Though I DO NOT drink out of china teacups with a saucer, neither do I use a teapot, my tea comes in mugs varing in size, colour and style but mugs all the same. Preferably Tetley teabags, but at the moment PG Tips (they were on offer in Tesco last week when I needed teabags) Anyway I can't function in the morning without my morning cuppa (or 3), I need a cuppa before I start anything, part way through the task and of course at the end. I admit I drink waaaaay too much tea. Someone (can't actually remember who) advised me to switch to decaf tea as I drink so much of it. I tried it and I didn't like it! I need not only my tea fix but also my caffine fix. I occationally drink coffee, but I have to have that uber strong and black with no sugar, when I say strong I put 2 teaspoons of coffee in my mug, not just one. {TH} likes strong coffee too, so if I'm having a coffee day I will put the coffee machine on and {TH} and I will drink coffee all day. Unlike a lot of people coffee does not keep me awake or give me that 'kick' people claim to get (what coffee do they drink?)

So why this random post about tea and coffee? To be totally honest I don't know lol. I am part way through my task of tackling those awful hot spots and taking a (well deserved) tea break. {TH} is playing COD, so I can't watch TV, {S} is playing on the laptop at the table, {B} and {LM} are colouring at the table (on paper not my table I hope) so that leaves me sat at my desk, staring at a blank screen, not fun. So I may as well blog about my boredom lol

What did I do before I blogged? I know the answer to that, I used to make tags for people to use on social networking sites/forums etc etc, but since I got bit by the decluttering and organising bug I just don't seem to want to do this anymore. It makes me quite sad as I have a (paid) website with hundred of tutorials to teach other people to create tags. I have on numerous occations opened my PaintShopPro programme and stared at it, nothing. I also used to play Warcraft, but that took over my life as it does alot of people so that had to go. I only started playing as both {TH} and {TB} played. In the old house we had 3 pc's in our lounge/diner and they would be waffling on about Warcraft, so I decided to play too. I played on and off for 2 years but I just couldn't take it anymore. In fact when {TH} got me a new pc it, we spent days finding one we could afford that would be handle Warcraft, it's very graphics intense and needs quite alot of uumph lol. So I've left my Warcraft and PSP (paintshop pro) days behind and am trying to become more organised and clutter free. In the few things we have done so far round the house, its made me feel better in myself. I know where things are (not everything) but most things are getting a home and learning to live there. The kidlets are learning to put everything most things away after they have finished using the, like all kids they need a poke and reminder sometimes. I am increasing the things I make them so, like putting their own dishes in the dishwasher when they finish their meals. I'm feeling so much more relaxed at home as I'm not sat in a room filled with crap clutter the whole house has a more realxed feel to it, lived in and loved not unloved. I still need to learn to do some things straight away, like laundry. I do my washing daily, sometimes 2 or 3 loads per day (I wait till we have a full load to wash towels) but I hate folding and putting away, no I don't hate it, I completely detest it and will choose to clean the loo over that! So I end up with baskets piled high with clothes waiting to be folded and put away, I have to root through baskets to find things and then spend twie as long ironing them as they've been screwed up in a basket for a week. I really need to remedy this, but I'm not sure how to go about? 

If any of my readers/followers have ANY idea's on how I can force myself to fold and put away that washing straight awy I would love to hear them. This is my biggest downfall and it annoys everyone in the house yet before anyone suggests getting {TH} or one of the kidlets to help me - no chance. If {TH} helped I'd end up redoing everything as he can't for toffee and doesn't know which girl owns which clothes!